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Judy Wang 2018-5-1




第三款:要求列明租客给房东发送通知或者文件时,使用什么地址。这里提到Both the landlord and tenant agree to receive notices and documents by email, where allowed by the Landlord and Tenant Board’s Rule of Practice。我认为这句话会造成相当范围内的误读。民租法第191条,及管理局规则的第5条,均涉及通知及文件送达。这两个重要的依据均不允许使用电子邮件送达任何通知及文件,所以我的解读是电子邮件仍然不可做为送达方式。这份所谓“标准租约”如此特别提到“email”是不适宜的。


第五款:租金。我认为本款表达不清晰,因为本款之b) 分款包含了停车费、其他服务和水电气费(Utilities),同时还有一栏加粗的空白区,竟然是Total Rent (Lawful Rent),难道意味着停车费、其他服务和水电气费也算作了“租金”吗?如果算作了租金之部分,这些一旦欠费是否能在房东房客管理局进行对此的追讨?如果不是租金只部分,那Total Rent (Lawful Rent)又是何意?目前对此我不理解。

在d)款之后,文本说租客不可被要求提供期票(Post-dated cheque)或者自动支付(Automatic payment),但是可以如此选择。这句话就是告诉房东,你不可强要,但租客可以选择。法律上一直是这样规定的,不是新东西。

本款之e) 说是如果第一个月不是整月,是个“部分月”(Partial period),租客可以在某日支付对应的某个金额,以支付这个“部分月”的租金。我的解读是,假设月租1000元,如果租客入住是在5月7日,则本日历月中有8-31日(24天),成为“部分月”,于是这个“部分月”的租金是$1000/31*24 = $774.19。“标准租约”给出这个选项,原因不明,同时为租期结束日带来了困惑。





第八款:关于押金的收取约定。在阴影部分,租约文本给出了法律的规定,规定是说押金不可高于一个月(如果是周租,不可高于一周),更说明不可用于“损害押金”(Damage deposit)。


第十条:有关吸烟的规定。这里的吸烟我相信包括香烟、烟草、雪茄、电子烟和大麻及所有制品。这也是目前争议最多的一个领域。文本说不可在“室内公共区域”(any indoor common areas)吸烟,那么自己的房间可不包涵在“common areas”里啊。文本指示参考说明材料的第M款和第S款。我满心欢喜地去对应,发现第M款是禁止歧视,第S款说,民租法没有对吸烟问题进行过讨论,房东与租客可以用本款进行规定。我建议房东一定要仔细订立有关吸烟(及其他制品)的条款。


第十一款:我又一次诧异。民租法并未对租客是否持有保险,及持有什么保险进行过规定,但是本款给出了选项,允许房东选择“The tenant must have liability insurance at all times … ”这一条的确是给予房东的福利,但是我找不到法律的支持。一旦打起官司,租客说法律并未强制要求我买保险,租约要在法律之下,我恐怕无语。

第十二款:是说租客允许安装装饰物,比如图画或者窗帘。跟着又说可以在第十五款合理约定。我在第十五款未找到相应的内容,所以我建议有关细节可以另行约定,并做为附件。同时本款明确租客未经同意,不可对物业进行更改。此处为说明必须是书面,而只说“Landlord’s permission”,为此我建议在“另行约定”中,再次强调书面形式。







Tenancy agreement in respect of tenancy of a prescribed class

12.1 (1) Every tenancy agreement that is entered into in respect of a tenancy of a prescribed class on or after the date prescribed for that class of tenancies shall comply with the following requirements:

The tenancy agreement shall be in the form prescribed for that class of tenancies.

The tenancy agreement shall comply with the requirements prescribed for that class of tenancies. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.

Time of signature

(2) Every tenancy agreement referred to in subsection (1) shall be signed by the landlord and the tenant on or before the day the tenant is entitled to occupy the rental unit under the tenancy agreement. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.


(3) This section does not apply with respect to a tenancy agreement entered into in respect of a tenancy of a prescribed class referred to in subsection (1), if the tenancy agreement is entered into before the applicable prescribed date referred to in that subsection, and even if the tenancy agreement is renewed or deemed to be renewed under section 38 on or after that date. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.

Application of subs. (5) to (10)

(4) Subsections (5) to (10) apply with respect to a tenancy agreement referred to in subsection (1) that does not comply with that subsection. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.

Demand for proposed tenancy agreement that complies with subs. (1)

(5) The tenant of a rental unit who is a party to a tenancy agreement described in subsection (4) may, once during the tenancy, demand in writing that the landlord provide to the tenant, for the tenant’s signature, a proposed tenancy agreement that,

(a) complies with subsection (1);

(b) is for the occupancy of the same rental unit; and

(c) is signed by the landlord. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.

Withholding of rent payments

(6) If at least 21 days have elapsed since the day the tenant made the demand and the landlord has not complied with the demand, the tenant may, subject to subsections (7) and (8), withhold rent payments that become due after the expiry of that 21-day period. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.


(7) The maximum total amount of rent payments that a tenant may withhold under subsection (6) is an amount equal to one month’s rent. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.


(8) The tenant may not withhold rent payments under subsection (6) on or after the day the landlord complies with the demand. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.

Requirement to pay withheld rent payments

(9) The landlord may require the tenant to pay to the landlord any rent payment withheld under subsection (6) only if the landlord complies with the tenant’s demand for a proposed tenancy agreement no later than 30 days after the date of the first rent payment withheld under that subsection. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.


(10) The landlord may require the tenant to pay withheld rent payments under subsection (9) even if the tenant does not enter into the proposed tenancy agreement provided to the tenant by the landlord. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.

Tenancy agreement not void

(11) For greater certainty, a tenancy agreement is not void, voidable or unenforceable solely by reason of not complying with subsection (1) or (2). 2017, c. 13, s. 5.

Operation of s. 12 not affected

(12) For greater certainty, nothing in this section affects the operation of section 12. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.




二、 民租法并不要求租约一定书面化,口头乃至事实均是租约的形式。民租法第二款,对租约的定义是“tenancy agreement” means a written, oral or implied agreement between a tenant and a landlord for occupancy of a rental unit and includes a licence to occupy a rental unit; (“convention de location”);又,第十二款说,Notice if agreement not in writing - (3) If a tenancy agreement entered into on or after June 17, 1998 is not in writing, the landlord shall, within 21 days after the tenancy begins, give to the tenant written notice of the legal name and address of the landlord to be used for giving notices and other documents under this Act. 2006, c. 17, s. 12 (3)。民租法并没有对此进行修改,那么这份“标准租约”出台的法律依据时什么呢?

三、房屋署的规定说所有被涵盖的租务均以此“标准租约”为准,那么RECO的FORM 400租约是否应终止使用?房屋署是否对RECO做出了指引?以后地产经纪为自己的客户准备租约时,用什么版本?如果用RECO是否无效?如果无效,其中的内容是否仍然能受到民租法的支持与管辖?鉴于第12.1款之第12分款 (12) For greater certainty, nothing in this section affects the operation of section 12. 2017, c. 13, s. 5.,这个条款又置这份“标准租约”于何地呢?



二、 仔细阅读说明材料部分,这部分囊括了民租法的基本要点。

三、 注重招租环节中对租客的取舍,以及在日常业务中对法律法规的理解与运用。

