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房贷新政: 国税局(CRA)将直接介入房贷验证

Mike Jao2018-7-21

  1. 有人说这是房产市场上的一枚核弹,您同意吗?

加拿大房贷公司CHMC已经要求加国税务机关采取“更直接和正式的角色”,核实抵押贷款申请的收入, 这是解决抵押贷款欺诈两年计划的一部分。加国税务局在一份电子邮件声明中表示,“CRA目前正在探索不同途径,包括以安全方式提供纳税人特定信息,参与到核实抵押贷款申请的收入,包括在客户同意下与金融机构安全共享税务信息。”

国税局的全面介入,意味着贷款人的财务信息将更加无所遁形,造假被揭露的可能性大大提升,而且在性质界定中也可能进一步上升到金融诈骗的高度。 试想一些职业炒房客手握5套、8套房产,但他们是否真正有实力去全额购买?就算其中大多数人有正当工作,工资收入能否完全符合金融机构贷款的要求?国税局的深度介入,将使许多走灰色路径发家致富的炒房客原形毕露,对近年来登陆的新移民也是一个巨大挑战: 对那些依靠父母名义还房贷孩子上私校的投资移民来说怎么才能让税局相信呢?那些多套豪宅大房却没有足够海外资产或收入支撑的新移民怎么办呢?更关键的问题是这个政策可能包括已经买房再RENEW到期重新贷款的申请人,那可真就麻烦大了!!



此前根据The Global Mails报道,加拿大税务局(CRA)已经成功获得法庭令,向多伦多地区44家发展商获得公寓楼花转让的相关信息,目前CRA的审计人员正对2,800多宗楼花转让的信息进行分析。CRA发言人Paul Murphy在电邮中说,公寓买家转让楼花所获收入一般被认为是商业收入,因此这部分收入应该交税。由于多伦多地区是公寓买卖及转让特别活跃的地区,CRA已经增加了该地区的人力,加强对楼花转让个案的审计。


Canada's housing watchdog

pushes for better income checks to catch mortgage fraud

Canada’s housing agency has asked the country’s tax authority to take a “more direct and formal role” verifying income claimed on mortgage applications, part of a two-year plan to tackle mortgage fraud, documents obtained by Reuters show.

Unlike tax authorities in the United States and the United Kingdom, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) does not verify income for lenders, even with taxpayer’s consent.That may change, as Canada’s overheated housing market draws comparisons to the United States in the years before the subprime mortgage crisis, made worse because many borrowers overstated their income.

The industry's current detection tools have not kept pace with the increasing sophistication of threat we face

“The CRA is currently exploring different avenues in which to improve how it delivers taxpayer specific information in a secure manner, including the feasibility of securely sharing tax information with financial institutions upon client consent,” the tax agency said in an emailed statement.

The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) action plan, obtained by Reuters under public records laws, shows the agency is concerned about systemic risk posed by mortgage fraud. The agency has said repeatedly that there is little evidence of widespread fraud in Canada, but it also says data are limited.
