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转自:Doug Ford官方微信公众号2019-5-14

今日,多伦多公立教育部门(TDSB)对我们省政府进行了一系列的毁谤。他们宣称由于省教育拨款的缺短,他们下一学年将会面临高达$6700万的资金缺短,并且教育服务将会被强制减削来平衡财政 --- 这都是一片谎言。






据TDSB指控,大多数的拨款减削在于“当地重点基金”(Local Priorities Fund)--- 目前这个资金还没有被削减,而且是下一轮工会集体谈判的事项,并且在与政府达成协议之前将会保持如此。TDSB所指控的资金削减是在完全误导真实情况。

为了帮助安省公立教育部门提高运转效率,我们宣布建立教育部门更新行动组(Board Modernization Task Force)这个新行动组将会帮助我们在各个教育部门内部达到提高运转效率,并且确保每花费的一分钱都会有助于提高教室内的学习环境。








Today, the Toronto District School Board falsely reported that, due to changes in provincial funding, that they would be facing a $67M shortfall for the next school year and that they would be forced to modify and reduce services in order to rectify that deficit. This is not true.

Our government is protecting what matters most by delivering an education system that puts student achievement at the centre of everything we do.

I am extremely proud of the changes we are making to education. Since day one, the Opposition and other third-parties have been fear-mongering and spreading misinformation while we are consistently making changes to bring student achievement back to the focus of all we do.

This year, the TDSB will receive nearly $3 billion and we have asked them to find efficiencies of $21M. We have full confidence that the Toronto District School Board will be able to work to identify administrative waste and find less than 1% of their budget in savings.

Any other savings that the TDSB needs to find as a result of local agreements or poor management from the TDSB is the responsibility of the TDSB – students should not have to suffer as a result of poor fiscal management.

From time and time again, we have seen wasteful spending by the TDSB, examples include billing taxpayers over $3000 for the simple installation of an outlet, and almost $2500 to install a whiteboard worth only $127. It is unacceptable that TDSB is putting taxpayers on the hook for their own mismanagement.

The majority of the difference in funding cited by the TDSB is a result of the Local Priorities Fund – this has not been cut. This is a matter for the next round of collective bargaining and will be continuing until negotiated. To portray this as a cut is simply inaccurate and misleading.

To assist school boards, we have also announced a Board Modernization Task Force. This initiative will help us determine how we can find efficiencies within school boards to ensure every dollar spent directly improves learning in the classroom.

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