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Xu (许)Celine (穗萍)2018-11-13

该酒店位于安省发展最快的城市Barrie (巴厘)市区,離多伦多市区一小時車程。酒店紧挨南北交通要道400高速,位置一流。高速出口1分鐘即到酒店!周围大片工商业园区,以商务客户为主,加上高速400上的过路客,非常繁忙。入住率大约60%~70%。

一共有58个客房,一个早餐区。2016年卖家花费超过120万加币全店升级翻新!全新裝修,包括新墙纸,新地毯,新傢俱電視電燈,新床墊,以及全新衛浴和大理石檯面! 包括全新的大堂。屋顶是粘土瓦,可使用100年以上。买家接手可以安枕无忧。


2017年销售近140万,纯利近44万!销售正在直线增长,2018年预计销售约150万,净利润近50万/年! 有记录和数据可证。


Branded Franchised Hotel & Property for Sale!

1 hour to Toronto, right next to Highway 400! in the City of Barrie

58 Rooms 
-fully renovated hotel

-Renovations included new wallpaper, furniture in all rooms, mattresses, tvs, lighting, carpet, washroom(tiles,tubs,toilets, granite countertops), etc. New lobby and hallway
-1 breakfast area
- Clay Roof can last for as long as 100 years. 

- 81 parkings
- Over 2 acres of land. Ability to extend the hotel rooms or add a restaurant. 

- Big development potential!
- Absentee Owner with current Sales about $1,400,000 Net profit over $430,000! 2018 projection Sales around  $1,500,000, Net profit $500,000! Good for investment too!
successful business with stable income and solid property together ! Only asking $7,680,000! 

Call for details!